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Build high-performing and safe software with Nebula Platform

Benefits of using the Nebula Platform

The Nebula Platform simplifies integration simply able to add in software vendors or your own software like IOS/Android Rapid Deployment

Designed for SOA

Designed for SOA

The Nebula Platform is developed with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in mind from the start, which ensures complete service support.



It already contains all base services and features needed to build a complex state-of-the-art vehicle or robotics platform. And more is coming.

High Performance

High Performance

With our built-in high-performance communication stacks the end-to-end latency can be kept very low.

Reduced Cost

Reduced Cost

Not only is it easier to deploy your products, but validation and verification with the platform is greatly reduced, further increasing to market speed.


Speed to market

We allow OEMs to be different and enabling them to be quick with new features and services, we allow them to focus on the important features, what the customer feels and sees and interacts with.

Future Ready

Future Ready

This platform is ready for the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) future, where OEMs want centralized architectures with HPC’s.

Some of the features

Below are just some of the features that the Nebula Platform offers

Platform Stack
  • Support for many different communication protocols
  • Supports development in Matlab/Simulink, C/C++ & ROS
  • Built-in Signal to Service solution
  • Various security mechanisms
  • The communication stacks can be accessed through the Common API or ARA::COM API
  • OS Abstraction Layer (OSAL) makes it easy to migrate between OS’s
  • Provides a number of Platform Services ready to be used