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A condition, which is satisfied when ALL of the events/Conditions are satisfied. This condition can be either defined using nebula::comm::EventElements or other conditions or combinations of both. Possible usage:

AllOfCondition condition(/ * ElementObject1, ElementObject2, ElementObject3 * /);
AllOfCondition condition(/ * ConditionObject1, ConditionObject2, ConditionObject2 * /);
AllOfCondition condition(/ * ConditionObject1, ConditionObject2, AllOfCondition(ElementObject1) * /);

class nebula::exec::task::condition::AllOfCondition

class nebula::exec::task::condition::AllOfCondition
: public nebula::exec::task::condition::ConditionBase

A condition, which is satisfied when ALL of the events/Conditions are satisfied.


public template<>
inline AllOfCondition(Elements &... elements)

Construct a new All Of Condition object from element objects.

  • Parameters

    • Elements
  • Parameters

    • elements element objects

public template<>
inline AllOfCondition(Conditions &... conditions)

Construct a new All Of Condition object from condition objects.

  • Parameters

    • Conditions
  • Parameters

    • conditions condition objects

public inline virtual bool trigger(std::string name)

See also: ConditionBase::trigger()

public inline virtual void reset()

See also: ConditionBase::reset()

public inline virtual void startListening(nebula::comm::EventElementBase::NotifierType notifier)

See also: ConditionBase::startListening()