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It’s a wrapper for other types and a flag that indicates if the value is initialized or not.

struct ConfigurationParameters {
std::string mandatoryParameter_1;
int32_t mandatoryParameter_2;
ara::core::Optional<std::string> optionalParameter_1;
ara::core::Optional<int32_t> optionalParameter_2;


void processConfig(ConfigurationParameters& cfg) {
// Process mandatory parameters as usual
auto param1Value = cfg.mandatoryParameter_1;
// use param1Value

// for optional parameters first check their existence
if(cfg.optionalParameter_1.has_value()) {
// use optional parameter
auto optionalParam = cfg.optionalParameter_1.value();
  • Parameters
    • U the type of element in the container

class ara::core::Optional

A container with at most one element The class template ara::core::Optional manages optional values, i.e. values that may or may not be present. The existence can be evaluated during both compile-time and runtime.


public inline constexpr Optional() noexcept

Default constructor.

public inline constexpr Optional(nullopt_t) noexcept

Construct empty optional from nullopt.

public constexpr Optional(Optional const & v) = default

Copy construct from another Optional.

public constexpr Optional(Optional && v) = default

Move value from another Optional.

public template<>
inline constexpr explicit Optional(in_place_t, Args &&... args) noexcept

Internal In place constructor.

  • Parameters
    • Args arguments forwarded for inplace construction

public template<>
inline constexpr explicit Optional(in_place_t, std::initializer_list< T > il, Args &&... args) noexcept

Internal In place constructor.

  • Parameters
    • T In place constructor type
    • Args arguments forwarded for inplace construction

public inline Optional(U const & v) noexcept

Construct a new Optional object using provided value.

  • Parameters
    • v initial value

public inline Optional(U && v) noexcept

Construct a new Optional object by moving the value.

  • Parameters
    • v initial value

public ~Optional() = default

Destroy the Optional object.

public Optional&operator=(const Optional & rhs) = default

Assignment operator. Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Parameters

    • rhs source Optional object from where value is assigned
  • Returns Optional& reference to this object

public Optional&operator=(Optional && rhs) = default

Assignment operator. Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Parameters

    • rhs source Optional object from where value is assigned
  • Returns Optional& reference to this object

public inline Optional&operator=(nullopt_t) noexcept

Remove any value contained in this Optional object. If no value is contained, then don't have any effect.

  • Returns Optional& reference to this object

public template<>
inline U & emplace(Args &&... args) noexcept

Create the value in place and set it as the value for this Optional object. Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Parameters

    • args arguments which are used to construct the value in place
  • Returns U& reference to the new value

public inline constexpr const U * operator->() const

Return a pointer to the contained value Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Returns constexpr const U* Pointer to the contained value

public inline constexpr U * operator->()

Return a pointer to the contained value Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Returns constexpr const U* Pointer to the contained value

public inline constexpr U & operator*()

Return a reference to the contained value Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Returns constexpr const U* Reference to the contained value

public inline constexpr const U & operator*() const

Return a reference to the contained value Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

  • Returns constexpr const U* Reference to the contained value

public inline constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept

Check whether the object contain any value.

  • Returns true if the object contain value

  • Returns false if the object doesn't contain value.

public inline constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Check whether the object contain any value.

  • Returns true if the object contain value

  • Returns false if the object doesn't contain value.

public inline U & value()

Return a reference to the value, if this Optional contain a value. Otherwise throw bad_optional_access exception.

  • Returns U&

public inline const U & value() const

Return a reference to the value, if this Optional contain a value. Otherwise throw bad_optional_access exception.

  • Returns U&

public template<>
inline constexpr U value_or(T && t) const

Return the value if this Optional contain a value, otherwise return the provided value of 't'.

  • Parameters

    • T type of t
  • Parameters

    • t default value to return if the Optional does not contain any value
  • Returns constexpr U

public template<>
inline constexpr U value_or(T && t)

Return the value if this Optional contain a value, otherwise return the provided value of 't'.

  • Parameters

    • T type of t
  • Parameters

    • t default value to return if the Optional does not contain any value
  • Returns constexpr U

public inline void reset() noexcept

Discard any value contained in this Optional object. Please refer to C++17 documentation for more details.

typedef value_type

the type of element in the container