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Application can use the logging mechanism as shown below.

nebula::platform::Logger logger_;

logger.LogInfo() << "Info message";
  • Parameters
    • T

class nebula::platform::LoggerWrapper

Convenience Logger wrapper class for application use.


public inline LoggerWrapper(std::string name)

Construct a new Logger Wrapper object.

  • Parameters
    • name logger name

public inline LoggerWrapper(T & implLogger)

Construct a new Logger Wrapper object.

  • Parameters
    • implLogger Reference of logger implementation object

public LoggerWrapper(const LoggerWrapper & o) = delete

Construct a new Logger Wrapper object by copying from another object. User can't create object using another object.

  • Parameters
    • o The Logger Wrapper class object

public inline LoggerWrapper(LoggerWrapper && o)

Move Constructor. Construct a new Logger Wrapper object from old one. Old object no longer exist after new one created.

  • Parameters
    • o The Logger Wrapper class object

public inline T & getLogger()

Get the Logger object.

  • Returns T& The Logger implementation class object

public inline auto LogFatal()

Different log level convenience accessors.

This method call 'LogFatal' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Fatal

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Fatal level.

public inline auto LogError()

This method call 'LogError' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Error.

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Error level.

public inline auto LogWarn()

This method call 'LogWarn' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Warning.

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Warning level.

public inline auto LogInfo()

This method call 'LogInfo' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Info.

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Info level.

public inline auto LogDebug()

This method call 'LogDebug' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Debug.

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Debug level.

public inline auto LogVerbose()

This method call 'LogVerbose' method on actual logger implementation class that will create 'NebLogStream' class object with log level Verbose.

  • Returns NebLogStream class object of Verbose level.