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This class completely abstracts the ARA specif part of the communication from the application code. It is specifically intended for proxy interfaces. Internally wraps event subscription, event and method handling for the consumers

It takes care of ARA::COM specific proxy initialization part, including finding and subscribing to services. It also provide an EventWrapper implementation which supports adding multiple notifier for events, which is not possible with ARA::COM

  • Parameters
    • ProxyType Type name of the ARA::COM generated proxy class

class nebula::comm::proxy::DataProxy

Helper wrapper for Proxy.


public inline DataProxy()

Construct a new Data Proxy object.


public inline DataProxy(nebula::platform::Logger && logger)

Construct a new Data Proxy object.

  • Parameters
    • logger logger object to be used

public inline virtual ~DataProxy()

Destroy the Data Proxy object Stops any workers created.

public inline void start(std::string & instanceName)

Start the proxy. This initiates find service operation.

  • Parameters
    • instanceName Instance name of the service to be found

public inline bool isServiceAvailable()

Return if service is available, ie, service is found.

  • Returns true if service is available

  • Returns false if service is not found yet

typedef Future

typedef Promise