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This class helps the application developer to define nebula::exec::task::Tasks which are periodically executed at fixed intervals. The interval is a configurable value which can be provided while declaring the task instance. Also the implementation supports extensible nebula::exec::task::TimerPolicy mechanism, so that the underlying timer mechanism can be defined by the application developer. It allows to use timer sources such as HW timer or other proprietary timer mechanisms as application need.

The implementation also provide nebula::exec::task::DefaultTimerPolicy for normal usage.

See also: DefaultTimerPolicy


// Task definition
Class LooperTask : public Task {
// This method will be periodically invoked
bool run() {
// Implementation

// Other task method implementations

PeriodicTask<LooperTask, 100000000> task; // run every 100ms
  • Parameters
    • Task Task Implementation
    • interval interval time in ns
    • Policy Backend timer policy to be used

See also: Task

See also: DefaultTimerPolicy

class nebula::exec::task::PeriodicTask

Helper for defining periodic tasks, which are invoked at fixed intervals.


public inline PeriodicTask()

Construct a new Periodic Task object and schedule it.

typedef TaskType

typedef PolicyType