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See also: TimerPolicy

class nebula::exec::task::DefaultTimerPolicy

class nebula::exec::task::DefaultTimerPolicy
: public nebula::exec::task::TimerPolicy

Default timer policy. Use platform timer as backend. In Linux it uses high resolution timer. Please note that using this policy doesn't support reentrant tasks. ie; if a previous task invocation is pending (not returned) while a new task invocation is to be triggered, the new invocation will be skipped.


public DefaultTimerPolicy(Task & task)

Construct a new Default Timer Policy object.

  • Parameters
    • task task implementation

See also: TimerPolicy::TimerPolicy

public virtual bool init()

See also: TimerPolicy::init

public virtual bool cleanUp()

See also: TimerPolicy::cleanUp

public virtual bool setTimer(std::chrono::nanoseconds duration)

See also: TimerPolicy::setTimer

public virtual bool cancelTimer()

See also: TimerPolicy::cancelTimer

public virtual ~DefaultTimerPolicy()

Destroy the Default Timer Policy object.